
Citizenship Day At Pars Equality Center San Jose

July 1, 2022

In May 2021, our San Jose Legal Department launched its yearly Santa Clara County Citizenship Day initiative by conducting multiple citizenship clinics, both virtual and in-person, to help low-income green card holders become U.S. citizens.  With the support of the county’s Office of Immigrant Relations and partner agencies: Center for Employment Training (CET), Catholic Charities, Asian Law Alliance, IRC, and CAIR, we assisted 40 Santa Clara County residents file their citizenship application free of charge

As families feel the financial stress of rising prices, Pars Equality Center (Pars) is playing a small part in alleviating some economic pain by offering free or low-cost immigration services.  We are committed to assisting low-income immigrant communities as evidenced by our steadfast services during the pandemic. Your support is crucial in sustaining our services in the current period of high inflation, when free/low-cost services are more important than ever.