Three Iranian American organizations: Public Affairs Alliance of Iranian Americans (PAAIA), Pars Equality Center, and Iranian American Bar Association (IABA), have sent a letter to President Biden asking him to recognize Nowruz with a video greeting.

Three Iranian American organizations: Public Affairs Alliance of Iranian Americans (PAAIA), Pars Equality Center, and Iranian American Bar Association (IABA), have sent a letter to President Biden asking him to recognize Nowruz with a video greeting.

A blue and white logo of the pars equality center.

The President
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW Washington, DC 20500

Dear Mr. President,

As the celebration of Nowruz (the Persian New Year) approaches, we the undersigned Iranian
American organizations are writing to encourage you to record a video greeting wishing the
people of Iran, the Iranian American community and all those who observe this holiday a
prosperous new year.

Nowruz, which translates to “new day,†marks the traditional Iranian New Year and dates back
more than 3,000 years.” Nowruz celebrates the arrival of spring and occurs on the vernal
equinox which will happen on Sunday, March 20th, this year. Nowruz is observed by more than
three hundred million Iranians and other nationalities all over the world. Closer to home, more
than one million Iranian Americans of all backgrounds, including those of Baha’i, Christian,
Jewish, Muslim, and Zoroastrian faiths, are taking part in Nowruz.

Nowruz symbolizes a time of renewal and community, it harkens the departure from the trials
and tribulations of the previous year, and it brings hope for the New Year. During his time in
office, President Obama released several video greetings to the people of Iran in celebration of
the holiday. Nowruz offers the occasion to enhance U.S. public diplomacy by speaking directly to
the Iranian people and highlighting the noteworthy contributions of Iranian Americans to
American society.

We ask that you please join Iranian Americans in recognizing Nowruz, the Persian New Year, by
recording a video greeting.

Thank you for your consideration of this matter.


The Public Affairs Alliance of Iranian Americans
PARS Equality Center
Iranian American Bar Association

Pars’ Annual Fundraising Gala

As we begin the countdown to Nowruz, we are excited to celebrate the beginning of a new year with our supporters at Pars Equality Center’s annual fundraising gala on March 12th.  We do not take this in-person opportunity for granted.  Following two years of pandemic upheaval, we are grateful that spring is bringing hope and restored health.  With your continued support, we hope to celebrate many more Nowruz festivities.  We remain steadfast in our resolve to serve our underrepresented community, no matter the obstacles.

Nowruzetan Pirooz!

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Pars Equality Center is proud to announce the opening of our new immigration legal services office in Fremont, California.  Our new office serves the immigration needs of newly arriving Afghan Nationals and residents of Alameda and Contra Costa counties. The office is located in the Fremont Resource Center, where we are in close partnership with many local nonprofit organizations and social and human services agencies. The Fremont office will be holding free biweekly immigration clinics and other events for the community. For more information or to schedule an appointment contact our Fremont office at: 510-894-3161 or email

Pars Equality Center’s Legal Director quoted in KQED article on challenges facing the Afghan Community

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For some families, it’s an ongoing search for an affordable home and a job. For others, like Sadaat, it’s fighting with bureaucracy to obtain the necessary paperwork for their loved ones in Afghanistan to join them. To read more, please click HERE.