Press Release

Student Financial Assistance Report

Thanks to the generosity of  Kordestani Foundation and Goodarzi Foundation,  Pars Equality Center (Pars) recently reviewed student applications and awarded the following scholarships:Pars Youth Grant /The American Dream: Pars...

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Citizenship Day At Pars Equality Center San Jose

In May 2021, our San Jose Legal Department launched its yearly Santa Clara County Citizenship Day initiative by conducting multiple citizenship clinics, both virtual and in-person, to help low-income green card holders become U.S. citizens.  With the support of...

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Students Financial Aid Programs

We're pleased to re-introduce three student financial aid for the academic year 2022-23. Thanks to the generosity of private donors and philanthropic foundations, Pars Equality Center (Pars) offers the following assistance to qualified students:  Pars Youth Grant...

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Pars Equality Center’s Nowruz Gala Updates

On March 12, 2022, we gathered for our 12th Annual Nowruz Gala to celebrate Pars Equality Center's achievements and honor our generous supporters for their invaluable contributions.  After two years of virtual gatherings and social distancing, this in-person...

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Pars’ Annual Fundraising Gala

As we begin the countdown to Nowruz, we are excited to celebrate the beginning of a new year with our supporters at Pars Equality Center's annual fundraising gala on March 12th.  We do not take this in-person opportunity for granted.  Following two years of...

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News by Year

News by Year:

2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017